How to make money with pinterest and clickbank

How to make money with pinterest and clickbank

Posted: CuttMutts Date: 14.07.2017

How To Make Money On Pinterest With Amazon In - Victory Movement

In , Pinterest had taken this feature out because of a flood of scams and spam. Most bloggers earn a portion of their income from Pinterest, so you can imagine how it affected them last year. Affiliate Marketing is one of my favorite ways to monetize a blog. Passive income, what, WHAT?! Using affiliate marketing on Pinterest is amazing because you have a whole army of pinners over million!

In order for this tutorial to work you will need a blog. Here is my full tutorial on how you can set up your blog in 10 minutes. So you may be wondering, what is affiliate marketing?

Essentially, you share products you love and when some one makes a purchase through your link you earn a commission off of that sale. For example, if you decided to purchase something on Amazon through my link, I would earn a small commission, but there is no additional cost to you.

There even can be bonuses for using an affiliate link! Here are a few suggestions for a few of the most popular blogging niches.

There are many other products you can become an affiliate for, these are just a few to get you started! How To Start A Blog In Ten Minutes Or Less! If you want to learn how to make your affiliate pins go viral grab my checklist below!

There was a reason why Pinterest took down the affiliate link feature. The most important rule you need to remember when adding affiliate links is to mention that it is an affiliate link.

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You can write this within your description or use affiliate at the end of your description. This needs to be done in order to follow affiliate networks rules and abide by FTC regulations. Go through your boards and see which pins you can add an affiliate link to. Use affiliate links for products that you have used and loved. This will establish trust with your followers. To make sure you keep the quality and standards of your brand , keep this in mind before you get too focused on the cha-ching.

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A few examples would be Tools and Resources or the Best Tools For Mompreneurs. This is a great alternative because your follower knows right off the bat that if they click on a pin link that they will be directed to where they can purchase the item. You can use two to three sentences and always, always, always disclose. Remember that these titles and descriptions are what help Pinterest users find you when they do a search. The better your description is, the more sales you will get.

That will turn off your followers fast!

Using affiliate links can be done tastefully! You have to keep with the aesthetic of your brand. If you want to pin with an affiliate link, make sure your images are in the same style, look, and color. Having inconsistent boards and pins will easily make you lose followers and potential clients.

how to make money with pinterest and clickbank

Consider creating your own affiliate graphic that coincides with your personal branding. This will set you apart from other pinners that are reusing the same pins over and over.

Nothing is worse than having 10 affiliate pins in a row show up in your newsfeed. On Tailwind try using their "Board Lists" feature to schedule your affiliate pins out to multiple boards at once! This is a major timesaver! How To Use Tailwind To Skyrocket Traffic To Your Blog. To maximize BoardBooster consider setting up a Pinterest board just for your affiliate links and then turning on BoardBooster's looping feature.

This will repin your oldest pin on that board to the top of the board.

8 Effective Ways To Make Money Using Pinterest

Then it compares the two to see which performed better and the loser is deleted. This is a great way to promote your affiliate links on autopilot. That means Pretty Link, Bit. Are you ready to try using affiliate links on Pinterest? Don't forget to grab your Viral Pin Checklist below!

how to make money with pinterest and clickbank

These are the same steps I have used that have gotten this post shared over 20, times on Pinterest! I help moms monetize their passion, build businesses and understand their finances.

This post may contain affiliate links. NOT SURE WHAT YOU COULD PIN? Update Your Existing Pins Go through your boards and see which pins you can add an affiliate link to. Create Boards Specifically for Affiliate Products A few examples would be Tools and Resources or the Best Tools For Mompreneurs.

Create Multiple Pinnable Images. With a few clicks you can schedule your affiliate links to be repinned multiple times. Here is what it looks like on the backend of one of my looped boards.

how to make money with pinterest and clickbank

Do not use short links on Pinterest. Newer Post 15 Ways To Boost Productivity As A Mommy Blogger. Older Post Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing:

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