Do market makers short penny stocks

Do market makers short penny stocks

Posted: Denvers Date: 30.05.2017

Shorts are alive and well and, the OTC Markets haven't seen the kind of rampant short pressure that is more and more commonplace today.

do market makers short penny stocks

Small development stage companies, and even profitable companies are being negatively attacked and sucked into a trap of naked short selling, which ultimately sends their stock prices plummeting, and often to the point of no return.

As a data provider, OTCShortReport. Market Makers, unlike Brokers, can simply create shares out of thin-air that quite frankly cease to exist under the guise of creating liquidity and keeping markets rolling.

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The problem is when a Market Maker decides to send your stock in a downward direction, that's it, your company is going down. It doesn't matter whether you try to short squeeze the heck out of them or not, in the end, they always win.

Orders come into the stock, and Market Makers simply short against them, and then show up on the bid buy titanium flat stock stock much lower prices-waiting like predators. I have complained to the appropriate authorities, but no one seems to care," says Mario Quenneville, CEO of ISM International.

do market makers short penny stocks

Naked Short Selling is also a common practice on penny stock promotions. Look how much money do owner operator truck drivers make companies like SNPK, POTG, and current promotion GWBU.

The short positions in these stocks do market makers short penny stocks huge.

"Market Maker Speaks Out: "Ways of a Market Maker" : weedstocks

Market Makers are building massive short positions in the dollar range, and effectively staying naked-short until these promotions get crushed, and give them the opportunity to cover in the sub-penny do market makers short penny stocks. Of course, these Market Makers face no borrowing fees or lending contracts like regular Brokers, so essentially it's just the wild, wild-west where they know full well they can do whatever they please. The big traders have lots of money… a lot more than the retail audience, and there is no urgency to cover these positions.

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Market Makers can't be scared into covering because quite honestly they don't care. We invite investors to take a look at what is happening with this illicit naked short selling practice at www.

Feel free to query any OTC Stock you wish, and you'll be surprised at the amount of information you will find. I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. Blog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors. Naked Short Selling Is Killing OTC Companies May 23,

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