Ukforex ltd address

Ukforex ltd address

Posted: Espanasoee Date: 11.07.2017

UKForex does not accept payment by credit card, cash or cheque. Minimum transfer size is GBP or equivalent. The intended recipient of transfer must have a bank account that funds can be paid into. UKForex provides foreign currency transfer services to private clients and business customers. Use our free currency converter, exchange rate charts, economic calendar, in-depth currency news and updates and benefit from competitive exchange rates and outstanding customer service.

Use of the Services of the UKForex Limited is subject to the Client Agreement. Nothing on this website constitutes or should be construed as financial advice. This information has been prepared for distribution over the internet and without taking into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. UKForex Limited makes no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product referred to in this website, emails or its related websites.

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This site makes use of licensed stock photography. All photography is for illustrative purposes only and all persons depicted are models. The stock photography models are not actual clients of and do not endorse UKForex, nor are they affiliated with, UKForex. UKForex makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the suitability, completeness, quality or exactness of the information and models provided in this web site. Money Laundering Regulation Number MSB: UKForex is registered in England and Wales company no.

I've been using UKForex for 5 years and there has never been a hitch. The money has come through in a day, weekends excepted. The service has been as good as one could wish for.

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What our customers are saying. Couldn't find better rates or a Better company than UKForex.

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It was Really Easy With No Fees or Costs. I wouldn't use any other company. It was so easy and quick that I thought it was too good to be true.

The staff have always been very helpful and polite. By registering with UKForex for FREE in only 3 easy steps, you'll gain access to some of the best currency exchange rates in the UK. By registering with UKForex for free in only 3 easy steps, you'll gain access to some of the best currency exchange rates in Australia.


Rapid international money transfers. Regulated by the FCA.

This fee may vary and UKForex receives no portion of it. Send us your funds. We deliver to your recipient.

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